Saturday, March 19, 2011

To care for the Oscars Betty | Child Care

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    Clean the fish whole with soap and water before putting in the Oscars, make sure no soap residue in the tank. Use a minimum of 40 gallon tank. Ideally, larger tanks are more suitable for an Oscar, and even small, because they have more space for swimming and growth.

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    The case of water in the aquarium. If you are using tap water only, and let it sit for 24 hours. You can also add a water conditioner and ease tension with water to remove all contaminants.

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    Oscars acclimate to the aquarium water before placing them in private and you've probably received an Oscar in a pet store. Put a plastic bag from a pet store, open, within the basin. Let sit there for 15 minutes. Development of the aquarium water into the bag before putting fish in the free water basin.

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    Monitor the temperature of the water basin Oscars which heat is used is designed for aquariums. Ideal temperature is around 77 degrees. You should try to keep the temperature stable without fluctuations continue. Any water temperature between 74 and 81 is fine.

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    Siphon about 15 percent of the water once a week and replace it with new water. You will need to state of the water that is not during the initial installation of the tank.

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    Avoid excessive fish Oscar. Should be able to Oscars eat food that gave them a period of two minutes. You must remove any of the food after two minutes from the reservoir to prevent contamination and the accumulation of excessive.

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    Preserve a lot of ornamental plants and in the pelvis. Love and prefer to hide to be covered at least half of the basin.

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    Choose another Oscar fish bullet in the pelvis. Despite the Oscar for best live alone, if you want other fish in the tank, it is best to pair with other Academy Awards Academy Awards. If you have a negative Oscar, you may be intimidated by other fish. In contrast, the Oscar fish can be aggressive to attack others.

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    The use of fluorescent bulbs or lighting tubes with low density in the reservoir. Oscars are not fond of bright lighting. Convert the light from the tank during the night.

Child Care

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